1. First I got Gprs activated on my sim(cellone postpaid 200 + 100 for gprs ). I filled up a form for unlimited GPRS that will work only on postpaids.
Settings on phone:-
- Menu -> Internet -> Data Account -> GPRS -> Bsnl_GPRS(for bsnl users).
- Edit -> APN - gprsnorth.cellone.in -> Done -> Save YES -> Back
- WAP -> Settings -> Edit Profile -> Select BSNL_GPRS -> Edit Profile -> connection type -> Select http -> click ok -> proxy port -8080 -> ok -> back
- Activate profile -> ok --> back and now your phone is configured to use gprs.
2. Now before connecting your cell to your pc you have to download the drivers and pc suite to get your modem working(they don't provide it along so silly). I goto www.intextechnologies.com and download drivers and pc suite from there. Of course from some pc that has internet access.
3. Now I connect my phone to pc through the data cable that comes with it.
4. As I connect my Intex IN3333 to my PC it shows a usb configuration message on the phone. I have to select out of three options. These are Mass Storage, Web cam (yes it can be used as a web cam for your pc no hassles) and third, Com port.You have to select com port to help up with communications with your phone.
5. As I select COM port it gets to be acknowledged by the computer.A new hardware found window is opened.
6. Here I select "No not this time" and then click on next.
7. Then select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and again next.
8. Then "Don't search I will choose the driver to install" and next.
9. Now I click on Have Disk and a dialog box comes up. Click on browse to select the driver you have downloaded.
10. I open 2K_XP_COM(for winXP) folder in Drivers folder that i have obtained after unzipping driver file which i downloaded.
11. Now click on OK and then next.
12. The driver file will be installed. If you see a message in which you are prompted to continue anyway. Click on continue anyway.
13. Now when your drivers get installed click on finish.
14. Now I open pc suite folder i downloaded from the same site(http://intextechnologies.com) and run PhoneSuite executable file.
15. This opens the PC suite. Click on Settings tab on left hand side. Now see if any COM port is selected there. If not select the COM port.
16. Now go to Create Connection tab and click on NEW/Modify button.
17. Enter a name for your connection(intex_gprs),
APN - gprsnorth.cellone.in (for apn refer to bsnl site),
Number - *99#,
user name & password blank.
Now click on NEW.
18. Now click on Create. Modem will get configured and dialup connection will be created. If you see a message in which you are prompted to continue anyway. Click on continue anyway.
19. You will get a message for successful completion. Click on OK.
20. Now go to Dial up tab. You will see connection you created. Select and click on Dial up. Connection will be dialed up and you will be connected to internet. In future need not to connect from here. You can connect from Start Menu -> Connect to -> Your connection.
Now Enjoy.
If you have any problems or queries please put it in comments for this post. I will be glad to answer.
Suggestions are always invited.
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